Kayla Hood

Patients Account Representative 


Kayla is our world-class Patients Account Representative. She is our secret weapon when it comes to billing expertise and providing an exceptional client experience. With over seven years of experience in the field, she has mastered the art of effortlessly navigating complex billing concepts, ensuring that our clients always receive excellent service and support. She helps us stay ahead of the curve in industry standards all while making sure our clients receive the best service possible.

Kayla is Certified in Medical Billing and Coding from Purdue Global University. With her expertise in health operations management, billing, and coding, she provides clarity and seamless functionality to our team. Kayla is also our HIPAA compliance officer who takes patient privacy seriously. She goes above and beyond to ensure that our client’s personal information is always kept confidential and secure.

Kayla takes a proactive approach when it comes to addressing any billing inquiries or concerns that clients may have. She goes above and beyond by patiently explaining billing details and providing clear and concise information about the payment process. Kayla makes sure that her clients are fully informed about their payments. She stands by our values of complete transparency and provides clear explanations at every stage of the process.

Even in her free time, Kayla embraces life with enthusiasm and passion. Kayla loves spending time with family, watching spine-chilling horror films, cheering on her favorite WWE wrestlers, or dominating the fantasy football league.

“I love my job because it challenges me every day because it gives me the opportunity to improve systems daily.” -Kayla

Connect With Kayla

Begin your discovery to wellness in an open & inclusive environment.



PO Box 142

Bonne Terre, MO 63628

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